Dr Karen Fung

Karen Fung is a periodontist practicing in Ottawa, Canada.  Her dynamic practice combines practical skills in periodontics with important academic research. She is the author of several publications in leading and influential peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as a book. Her research ranges from the unique dental issues of patients with Down syndrome, to long-term prognoses of immediate dental implants. As part of her practice, she created and regularly conducts a training module for dentists, physicians, nurses and hygienists on oral cancer screening and guiding patients into the path of prevention from this stigmatized disease.

Dr. Fung obtained her Doctor in Dental Medicine degree from McGill University, where she also obtained a research-based Master of Science degree. She achieved her specialized training in periodontics from the University of Connecticut, with a concurrent Master of Public Health degree. In addition to her private practice in Ottawa, she provides periodontal care to medically, physically, and mentally challenged individuals at the Ottawa Civic Hospital.

Dr. Fung is a fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, a member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Canadian Dental Association and Ontario Dental Association. In addition to these professional designations, she is a participant in Ottawa area study clubs with other local dentists.


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